Partner with us to show Jesus to the world
Your donations to the Jesus Only movement empower us to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world.
Contributions help us:
1. Equip and build the body of Christ through virtual and physical teaching and ministering sessions including retreats, zoom teachings, podcasts and social media engagements
2. Support the vulnerable (including widows, orphans, sages, etc) in our communities through our City of Refuge outreach.
3. Partner with ministries aligned with our vision to show Jesus to the world.
Thank You!
Please choose your preferred payment option below:
For International Transactions:
- Bank Name: Access Bank Plc.
- Swift Code: ABNGNGLA
- Account Number: 36145842
- Intermediary Bank: Citibank New York
- Intermediary Bank Swift Code: CITIUS33
- Routing Number: 021000089
- USD Account Name: Jesus Only Ministries
- USD Account Number: 1807681441
For Local Transactions:
- Bank Name: Access Bank Plc.
- Account Name: Jesus Only Ministries
- Account Number: 1806854938
- Bank Name: Access Bank Plc
- Account Name: City of Refuge
- Account Number: 1828591099
For Transactions on Remitly or LemFi (Lemonade Financial):
- Bank Name: Access Bank Plc.
- Account Name: Jesus Only Ministries
- Account Number: 1807681441
- Swift Code: ABNGNGLA
- Sort Code: 0441522985