God does not support divorce, He hates it.
Divorce is for humans with a heart of stone, not those who have a heart of flesh like born again Christians that we are.
We do not preach our own experience as the gospel. That a child of God is barren doesn’t nullify the truth that God gives children and opens wombs. That a child of God is poor doesn’t mean God cannot make rich.
Personal experience is not the standard of the gospel, Christ is! Paul said “follow me AS I follow Christ”. He knew the damage personal experience can cause.
If you are going through difficult times in marriage, our God can help you because He knew when you both agreed to be together and though with weaknesses, He allowed it. Even if it was not meant to be, whether you married when you were both not born again, as long as one of you is born again now, that one must reach out to God for help.
In the case of violence in marriage, for safety, the child of God must do all within his power to seek help from God because God can change any man on earth. That is the gospel. If anyone is separated from his or her spouse on grounds of violence it doesn’t mean that is the gospel and standard, that everyone facing violent relationship must first be divorced or separated. And yes the person can leave the marriage if it’s very clear that staying will lead to fatal experience. However we cannot preach personal experience as the standard of Christ Jesus. We must know where we need God’s help and seek the standard of the gospel so we don’t preach our personal experiences as the Good News of Jesus. It can be your decision and therefore your experience in a violent relationship to leave for safety reasons but preaching this as the standard is wrong. Is it the case that the face of God has first been sought about this particular circumstance and not merely the opinions of others? Can He say you should stay in a violent relationship? Is it possible that God says one should stay in a violent relationship and then the persons life is lost in that scenario? Would we then say God did not speak to that person? The point here is that the standard of God is high and tough, but that’s what it is and if it wasn’t we wouldn’t need God’s help. The wrong thing to do is to then come up with man made solutions based on experiences and preach that as the standard because we cannot meet God’s standard.
Jesus can change any situation. He can make weak ones strong, the way He heals the sick, raises the dead and causes dead matter to receive life again, this is the same way He can restore a separated home and divorced couple. He can cause violent people to be changed too. He can and this is the complete gospel of Jesus Christ. Divorce is not the gospel of Jesus Christ and if I do it, it may be justifiable by my standard but not by God’s standard as Jesus Christ said it was not so from the beginning.
The standard of God stands sure and let everyone that names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity. We can’t use great men of God who are divorced as the standard of our faith just the same way we can’t use great people who fell into diverse temptations and trials as God’s own standard of the gospel.
Men may fail but God can never fail. That’s why no man of God qualifies to be the god of men. The best of men are still men at their very best and that they fall doesn’t justify anyone to use them as the standard of gospel and that it’s okay for anyone to fall. Falling by anyone can never be the standard to remain fallen and to normalize falling.
I am not God but a man. God is the only One that can make me a partaker of His divine nature. Before I gain the divine nature and even after I do, I cannot be the standard of the gospel. Christ will always be. Christ in me the hope of glory. My level of glory must always be referenced to His Glory.
Divorce is a sin no matter what situation I find myself and no matter the justification I give to it. This is the standard of the gospel and it cannot be lowered for my justification. Even in scripture when the justification for divorce is infidelity, the standard actually is that in the beginning it was not so. Divorce was instituted because of the hardness of the heart of man. So even in the case of infidelity which might seem justifiable, when hearts are dealt with it will not be reason enough for divorce. When I make the decision to leave a marriage because of infidelity it does not then become the standard that everyone must leave on the grounds of infidelity. Again the focus here is that we cannot preach our experiences as the standard.
I have to be the one to reach out to God for help till I stand in marriage never to divorce. I must condemn what God condemns even if it has happened to me before. That I engage in illicit activity doesn’t mean I should now begin to condone what God condemns. I must now seek the face of God to make me rise to the point where He will help me to stand and not condone what I should condemn. Paul said “I reach out to the mark of the high calling of God…”
That I am divorced and I’m used by God doesn’t mean I didn’t commit a sin. In that area of divorce I have sinned and must seek the help of God. God can use a divorced man and one from separated home. God can use a fallen man by restoring the joy of His salvation but he cannot justify his fall as a man of God and seek to make a standard of it out of his personal experiences. This is what my generation must not do.
That I engage in lesbianism and homosexuality doesn’t mean that is the standard of the gospel of Christ Jesus. Nothing is impossible for me to stop. With man it may be impossible but with God all things are possible. This is the Bible. That this possibility is not manifesting in my life yet doesn’t nullify the truth that God doesn’t condone them and certainly doesn’t support my continuing in that lesbianism and homosexuality. The standard of the gospel is sure.
The patriarchs of faith engaged in some illicit activities. Abraham had concubines, David had, Solomon had, Samson fell and many others but their fall didn’t and doesn’t still justify us to see their weaknesses as a standard of the gospel. Jesus Christ is our standard no matter who is involved whether the person is a father of faith or friend of God.
And yes Abraham is my father, Paul is a man I must follow as he followed Christ Jesus. The patriarchs are great examples to me so I can see them as examples to follow and mistakes to avoid. Their strengths and weaknesses have inspired my spiritual life in many ways. However none of them must be my standard of the gospel even as I learn from their experiences. Their personal experiences is not my standard. Jesus Christ is.
David has helped me a lot to see how God can help a man from nothing to something. His infidelity has also helped me to see that there’s nobody that cannot fall and we all need the help of the Holy Spirit. So I must seek the help of the Holy Spirit so I don’t repeat David’s mistakes and that I do it now doesn’t mean I cannot get to the point where I will remain spotless. I’m the perfection of those who through faith inherited the promise. They will enter perfection when I reach the fullness of God’s glory through righteousness and holiness without which no man can see God Hebrews 11:39. I owe this full perfection to them because they did all they could to bear their lives before me through the Bible. They didn’t justify their failures but reached out to God’s help. Abraham engaged in concubinage, that cannot be my inspiration because I want to be a father to my generation. That part of Abraham’s life must motivate me to reach out to God for help so I don’t repeat his errors. That said, Abraham’s blessing are mine but he is not my standard, Jesus Christ will forever be. I believe in Jesus and I’m blessed by Abraham as my father.
This is the gospel. Christ died for me and resurrected to give me full life in every aspect and the fact that I’m not yet blessed in all things like Abraham was in Genesis 24:1 doesn’t nullify the fullness of the life Jesus Christ brings to me through His death and resurrection. That fullness of life is still in Jesus Christ and this era is that time of the fullness of the glory of God. I will see Jesus’s face in my life time and enjoy the fullness of the blessings of the gospel of Christ. I will cease from all my labor and be delivered from my weaknesses to stand in the standard Christ gives. I will be holy AS my heavenly Father is holy. Righteousness will not be a cliche in my time but a tangible and evidential blessing in my era. I will be a divine partaker of God’s divine nature. I will rise to fall no more. I am the perfection of those who have gone ahead if Christ dwells in me and I trust in His full redemption and grace to save me from all sins and shortcomings. This is the gospel I will preach and experience till I die and no matter where I am in my weaknesses I will always uphold the standard of Christ above my failing and faltering. I will never normalize my failures and weaknesses because I have not attained the full righteousness of Christ Jesus. I will keep reaching out to the mark of Christ’s upward calling.
So help me God
How about you, my reader?
19th March 2024 at 11.24am