“Never nurse half hopes, never fight half battles and never love half lovers. Do not accept half a solution, do not believe half truths, do not dream half a dream and do not love halfway. Half the way will get you nowhere. Do not fantasize about half hopes. An ambiguous refusal is but a weak acceptance. You are a whole that exists to live a life, not half a life”
In my little life, I have realized that half measures breed mixtures and with this comes facts and fictions, but never the truth. If I must be delivered, I must be delivered from half measures so I can boldly embrace the Truth Himself into my life.
I have so resolved that there’s nothing else that can deliver me from half measures except The Truth Himself - Christ Jesus and when He is truly Lord in the real sense of the word and life, then half measures can never be my lot. If a half measure is my lot, then I never had Jesus Christ as my Lord but only as my savior who I run to every time to DO for me, for it is the Lord alone that can make me BEcome wholly accountable to Him.
Is this your creed? There’s no way we claim to follow Him and have the kind of fraud we call Christianity on the face of the earth today and particularly in our personal lives. It simply means ALL is not on the altar yet, we celebrate halfway, plan half-mile and conquer by half because we are always clever halfway through the journey.
If indeed Peter meant what he said to Jesus in John 6:67-68 but still had his boat to go-a-fishing when Jesus died, then his following Jesus throughout His lifetime was halfway. It looked like a following that reserved an option or alternative route should the original plan fail. Peter needed to meet Jesus as his Lord in order to have a wholesome relationship that will deliver him from half-measures. Thankfully, he got it but I wonder how many didn’t get it. The rich young ruler didn’t make it through, half measure snatched him away from Jesus being the Lord over all else in life.
I have resolved to fight with all the perseverance that I have till my wholeness comes to stay so I can be delivered from half measures in every sense of the word for this is the greatest plague known to the church on the earth and to believers today in every part of the world.
I have peace because my battle is known, my war is cut out for me. My greatest enemy is not the devil. Now I know what to face (half-measures) and who to fight (myself), for when these wars are won, the devil is finished in every aspect of my life. While I’m at it, my heart cry will be from the “Purer in Heart” hymn by Fannie Estelle Davison (1877) especially when he wrote “Purer in heart oh God help me to be, may I devote my life WHOLLY to thee…”
What’s your own personal creed? Eternity will judge it in time and posterity will wish for you what you wish for it when you are measured on a scale.
DB writes Nov 20, 2023 4pm Nigerian time.