@2025 Jesus Only

  • 29th Apr, 2023 02:13am
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The nucleus of my ministry is summarized in 1 Tim 3:16.
“And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Preached among the Gentiles, Believed on in the world, Received up in glory.”
‭‭I Timothy‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

This is the gospel whose witness has 6 pillars that are the foundation of the house of God. This foundation is what makes the house of God, the church of the living God and the pillar and ground of truth.

I’m fully persuaded that God will be the witness to His own people, platform, pillar and saints. This is the true witness of the gospel of Jesus, that from the fathers of faith, God Himself attested to His own righteousness in them. These men were not of and from God by the witness of men or by the demonstration of power and authority alone but they were of God by the ultimate witness that God established in the earth on their behalf.

The above made Moses to attest to the witnessing of God in the life of Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Job, Moses himself, David and Jesus to mention but a few. This witness (God’s) cleared all known and unknown controversies over the lives of the saints, both in their age and in the age that was to come.

And so without controversy the mystery of Godliness has been established by God himself through the lives of those He witnessed of His own righteousness in.

His manifestation in the flesh is one of the cardinals that Jesus Christ is the son of God. This is why anyone who truly confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord must establish a major truth which is that Jesus came in the flesh and can be expressed through the flesh. The word can be made flesh and can reveal Himself to whoever He wills and however He wills. This is a major reason the church does not have the exclusive preserve of God and is seen for example when He showed Himself in the flesh and on earth to Nebuchadnezzar. This is the full gospel, that God through Christ was manifested in the flesh.

As part of His own witness is the justification by His Spirit. God cannot do anything outside of His own Spirit as seen in the beginning which Moses documented through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit when the earth was dark and the Spirit had to brood upon the face of the deep to justify the existence of Light coming out of thick darkness, an experience which remained incomprehensible. Jesus Himself was declared the son of God according to the Spirit of Holiness who is a portion of the Spirit of God and the same Spirit raised Christ up from the dead and bears witness in and through us that we are sons of God.

The Hosts of heaven are also pivotal to the mystery of Godliness devoid of controversy. Angels expressed their testimony of seeing Christ in the form of flesh when Jesus was born in a manger and one of them attested to the testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of prophecy given to the saints as a sure anchor on earth. The foundation of the joy powered in heaven by the worship of God by angels is rooted in the mystery of Godliness that angels have seen in God through eternity. The celestial order in God follows the witness from the eternal sacred ground to show that the witness of God is eternal and forever. This is further expressed in Psalms when David said “Forever oh Lord thy word is settled” and which of the angels did God say “ask of me the nations” or “sit at my right hand till I make all thine enemies your footstools”. This is the reason angels will also join the saints in the end of age to witness of God in Christ Jesus to the world. They have seen the mystery of Godliness and they declare same from eternity into time.

As part of the proof that the saints or the Jews or church on earth do not have the exclusive preserve of God and His righteousness, Cornelius received a visitation from heaven which made Peter answer to the call of God over his household and opened the door of salvation to all gentiles which we also enjoy today. This is the mystery of Godliness which was preached among gentiles by the angels and men alike. What the angels spoke of to Cornelius, Peter attested to and before he could finish, God himself poured out the Holy Spirit on the gentiles without measure. This was a major confusion among the early church leadership which they deliberated upon, under studied and concluded that it was time for the gentiles to be grafted into the eternal promise of God’s liberty to the Jews. Gentiles would witness to the mystery of Godliness even before the early church’s existence. Abimelech the king of a pagan nation conversed with God and Nebuchadnezzar saw the fourth man in the fire, an experience that led to the change of the law of the most powerful nation on earth at the time.

The kind of belief that produced saints on earth was so compelling that man could not comprehend the audacity, the authority and the sound wisdom that came from it. At varying times, men saw what they or their extraterrestrial ancestors could not explain, from the calling of Abraham out of his father’s house and ancestors who were neck deep in the worship of idols to the compelling of an entire nation who heard the witness of Jonah and repented completely, showing a depth of believing in God that was beyond cajoling or persuasive words of men. All head knowledge and man’s manner of reasoning couldn’t be appeased as the world was challenged and brought to its knees through the rude awakening that the mystery of Godliness is without controversy as it casts down all imaginations and arguments that seek to exalt itself above the knowledge of God. This is the gospel that man didn’t author.

Finally, the philosophy of my ministry is established fully in the receiving up in glory of God through Christ as the only sign of the true son of God among men. The kind of glory the Father gave to the son, which He established and passed onto the saints by way of sharing with them as join heirs, no gods or ancestors of the earth has ever been adorned with such. This was the expressions found when the word became flesh and men could behold His glory as the only begotten son of the Father full of grace and truth. This is the grace that has appeared unto all men with a teaching to make them abstain from all appearances of evil and to seek with soberness the hope and home of God  in glory. It also produces the truth that births the mercy of God on humanity and that is the foundation of the pillar of the church of the living which is known as the pillar of truth, one of the main foundations of the throne of God.