@2025 Jesus Only

  • 27th Aug, 2023 02:37pm
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Beware of the dark evangelists who when they cannot overcome the proclivities of their lives begin to make justifiable doctrines out of it in order to show themselves as invincible people but who really are liars. All they needed to do was to acknowledge that people, anointed or not, have issues and then deal with them. When a man doesn’t deal with his demons but tries to justify them with doctrines, he’s selling the idea that he is the real deal. 

Let’s face it, no man is the real deal but Jesus. Anyone can rise and fall but it’s best to know you rise and fall to God alone who can keep to the uttermost those who come to Him. To avoid being a dark evangelist, always come to Jesus alone and don’t you ever stop coming to him because He alone is the real deal and you are not. You can rise, fall, live and die. It’s that simple. Be humble. You are not God, He alone is God. Don’t be a dark evangelist and beware of them.

Dark evangelists, because it’s difficult for them to experience holy living will tell you nobody can be holy. They’ll make you feel okay sinning all the time and call on the blood of Jesus or grace, using them as palliatives when all they need to do is to own up to their mistakes and say to you how limited they are in their weakness as humans.

This is the hyper-grace poison we call a movement. Now another movement is the one that believes that being anointed can make a man’s sins go unnoticed and will make sin not to matter. Again, beware of dark evangelists on the pulpit. 

A lot of our preachers today are not born again. This is God’s report card for this generation. When you get hooked up on spirit moves without the truth in it, you end up blowing up (like we say in Nigerian parlance, you don blow). When you get hooked up on the truth movement without the Spirit in it, you get dried up by legalism but only when the Spirit and Truth movement hit you that you will truly grow up to the stature of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Himself.

Don’t be a dark evangelist, deal with your secret sins and issues of your life instead of making justifiable doctrines out of them.

Inspired by the Lonnie Frisbee story told by John Ruttkey.