A product is known by its distinctive attributes. The fake is known by a clear deviation from the distinctive qualities of the original which is enforced through quality assurance testing and confirmation. Cola Cola produces the Coke drink, Apple produces iPhone. What does the Christian produce?
A fake coke drink can be known, so also a fake iPhone and that’s if these exist. Can a fake Christian be identified anymore from an original and be spotted easily? Who is an original Christian? Does the quality assurance process still clearly help for a distinction between a fake and an original Christian?
If we all agree that it is by their fruits we know the distinctive difference between a fake and an original Christian, then what is the fruit? Is it anointing, power, grace, holiness, tongues, wealth, domes, assets, gifts, talents, prophetic, visions and revelations etc?
I thought that Christian living was simple until I saw the complications in the life it produces. For the fruit of the spirit is LOVE (Matthew 7:15-20; Galatians 5:22-23). All other things after this are to exist in love. So if we agree this is the fruit, then where are the bearers of this fruit? Do you know anyone in your house that has this fruit?
The “Christians” that we know of are simply brands. Just like asking someone “what’s your brand or what brand do you drink? Is it Deeper life, RCCG, Aladura, Latter rain, the Apostolic, Catholic etc?” All the bodies in Christ are to produce only one fruit, not brands as we know it. That fruit is Love.
Identify one Christian around you based on my description and you will know we really have a problem if you cannot find them in the midst of our church goers and bench warmers. Who then is a Christian? Ta l’eniyan Olorun? (Who is the man for God?). Why is the original Christian scarce?
If we being many cannot produce the one thing that matters to God - the fruit of the Spirit called Love, then we have to close shop. It means our product can be doctored. Though we are many, we are called to produce only one product, not many. We are called to owe no man nothing but love.
Even demons said to the seven sons of Sceva in Acts 19:15 “Paul we know (he has the original product), Jesus we know (He is the producer of the original product), who are you (impostors)?”. Is it possible we have more impostors now than the real Christians? Think of one Christian that you know is the original version of Christian living around you, including yourself and myself, our pastors and fathers of faith. Everyone!
We have Bar-Jesus, we have Jesu Oyingbo and we have Jesus Christ. Which one do you know and if it’s the last name here, can you show His fruit (only one) in you? Don’t show me anointing, wealth, gifts or your dome, it’s worthless to Him.
Who are you becoming? The original Christian or the fake? Are you the real deal or an impostor? Who are you?