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The Civilization of God among Men
  • 20th Jul, 2023 03:54pm
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The Civilization of God among Men

Noah - Part 1

Joseph - Part 2

Esther - Part 3

Daniel - Part 4




A Righteous man among a corrupt generation - Gen. chapters 3-7; Matthew 24:36-44; Hebrews 11:7


To put in proper context the witness of God to Noah in the days of a corrupt, violent and wicked generation, we need to understand the civilization of the people of those days.

These were the days when the Sons of God saw the daughters of men. This revelation established a carnality never seen before where giants became the children of the union of these two strange bedfellows.


The Sophistication of the days of Noah was driven by giants called Nephilims who established the Sumerian and Phoenician dominance on the earth with the development of extraterrestrial civilization that overshadowed the natural world of Noah and this led to the formation of wickedness on the earth.


Every thought and intention of man from his heart where God should reside, was continually evil. This evil produced corruption and violence which had the potency of stifling the life of God from the earth. There was no physical looting of an account but man could conduct his affairs outside of the consciousness that there was a God who created the heavens and the earth. Man was unrestrained in His quest to satisfy his desires, needs and curiosity. All living creatures on earth became flesh with absolutely no knowledge of the law of the Spirit of life through righteousness except for a man called Noah.


Noah’s first account was that he found grace. How did he crave for something different from what his generation had? How was his appetite different from the rest of the world? What was his food and feeding pattern? How did he manage to conduct himself in such a way that he found grace where his generation couldn’t?

The conduct of life of the people who dominated his society was an unrestrained appetite in all forms of eating, drinking, merrying, marrying and giving to marriage.


These men designed, produced and maintained the food formula that would support their unrestrained behavior and their feeding habit was further enhanced by the content of their meal which they sourced through engagement with extraterrestrial manifestations. These manifestations enforced corruption and violence upon the earth through their wild imaginations and innovations which further made flesh to explore gross darkness. There was no natural man in this day that would escape the mutation of his nature after eating from the same table with these creatures on earth who manifested darkness with unfettered freedom and power.


Their drink sustained the very essence of their civility and caused them to breathe and feel corruption without any form of restriction. Man at this stage of his life could not have any consciousness of God and every single fiber in him had become disconnected from the civilization of God. The inspiration from the concoctions of the new creatures of Noah’s day was so powerful that it influenced their appearance and energy.


Their energetic presence and candor helped them to establish a lifestyle that would support merriments. The gyration required to maintain their status was rooted in their insatiable appetite for excitement, sensation, emotions and sensual pleasure. Their ability to live an unrestrained lifestyle made them create pleasurable experiences that were abominable and this further plunged man into gross darkness that made God to conclude that an end must come to man.


The union of their marriages and the structure of their homes further expanded the scope of corruption and violence. Family values supported the evil government and governance that made flesh thrive. The serpent had bitten the man of this age such that every imaginable thing could only produce and project evil continually as reported by God.


Noah must have taken it upon himself to find grace that would make him different from his generation. He would have shown great courage and strength in the face of being the only person on earth who would have been able to establish God’s righteousness as documented by the recordings conducted by heaven. He was able to use this grace that he found to conduct his own affairs and influence his appetite and cravings such that he maintained contact without contaminations.


This grace of God that Noah found established and enforced the law of the Spirit of Life that produced righteousness. This righteous spirit in him made him hear God and established the civilization of God in and around him which compelled his environment to accommodate the ways and act of Heaven on the earth.


This civilization enthroned the community and ecosystem of heaven in him and his family that they could hear God with him after the destruction of all flesh on earth by the flood. The development of their own senses and frame enhanced their ability to hear God with their father post-destruction of the world. The nucleus of this civilization of God was the godly fear that Noah used to keep all the commandments that God gave him concerning the Scope of Work (SoW) for the establishment of righteousness upon the earth.


Noah took the responsibility of accommodating the civilization of God in and around him like his whole life depended on it and God established him as one of His most dependable assets on earth in his days. This man became a strategic partner with God in enforcing the government of righteousness on the earth to prevail exceedingly upon all flesh. The knowledge of the glory of God in Noah’s life and environment covered all the institutions of flesh as the waters covered the sea. Habbakuk 2:14


The civilization of God developed an embassy in Noah’s house and provided him with access to the building pattern and the design of the enforcement of righteousness upon the earth. He received the knowledge of the way of the Spirit and the operation of the glory of God as water that would manifest in the form of rain for the first time on the earth through the breaking up of the fountains of deep, the windows of heaven and the rain of heaven. These three channels provided the full operation of the Spirit of God to engage the darkness of the universe in a way that showed resistance to flesh in and around Noah.


Noah understood there was no way to stop the clash between the force of righteousness and the darkness of his age. He acted responsibly as God’s strategic partner to conduct his affairs with utmost discretion. He didn’t cast his pearls to swine, neither did he conform to the social norms of his generation in the name of currying favors and friendships.

He received intelligence report from the headquarter of his establishment and was privy to the project of righteousness on earth. He didn’t depend on his contacts, net worth or network on earth to execute God’s project.


To put in context, if we were to build the ark of Noah today, it would cost nothing less than $1bn to establish a project that can be compared to a 41 storey tower like the present headquarters of Bank of America in New York. It was about 137meters to 150 meters in height and there was just no way the world economy of his corrupt days would provide resources to support him in what will fight their own establishment of darkness.

God made the earth available to support Noah in the first unthinkable project that would accommodate all living creatures and animals either unclean or clean. The earth provided intelligence to all these animals to locate Noah through an ancient GPS inside of them which accessed the communication tower of heaven such that they filed into the location where Noah was. All these miraculous escapades were possible through the investment of Noah in godly fear since no government would support any establishment that would seek to destroy, undermine and threaten its way of existence.


Man and animals did exist in the ark of Noah for 150 days and there was no record of violence because the glory of God that descended into the ark altered the genetic code and nature of creatures. This is what only the glory of God can do. The power of God can be in a donkey and it’ll still remain a donkey but the glory of God will change the behavioral pattern of fire to prevent it from devouring the three Hebrew boys and the same glory will stop the mouth of a lion from devouring Daniel in the den. This glory is the only potent tool that can change the heart of stone into the heart of flesh and no matter how we invest in the power of God for the redemption of the world, there can’t be any result that will be lasting and meaningful either in this age or in the age to come. The portal of God’s civilization that opened to mankind when Enosh was born created the pathway for Enoch to walk with God and made Noah find grace. Nothing just happens, either you are responsible for it or someone else is.


The civilization of God in Noah further provided him access to the time line and milestones that must be recorded and he took on this project with every sense of responsibility and destiny without having any other thing that could compete with his resources and valuable time. This project was ready in record time and God made sure the enforcement of the civilization was not only an imposing act but a very intimidating one that condemned the corruption, violence and wickedness of that day.


It is also my conceived opinion that the grace Noah found was rooted in the family history of his dynasty. Noah’s great great great great great grandfather was Enosh, at whose birth men began to call upon the name of the Lord. His great grandfather was Enoch, who walked with God and was no more, entering into places where mortality scarcely existed and not being able to come back to the earth. He entered into immortality with his glorious body and his dead body was not found anywhere on earth. His grandfather was Metuselah whose existence was a trigger for the timeline of heaven’s enforcement of righteousness engagements on earth. He was 187 years when Lamech, Noah’s father was born. Lamech was 182 years when Noah was born which made Metuselah 369 years then. Noah was 600 years old when the flood hit the earth and that was when Metuselah clocked 969 years old and died. God is very intentional in establishing the covenant of righteousness across the generation that has provided Him with a man who has invested in the civilization of God in his time. One man can alter the dynasty and dynamics of an entire generation through righteous partnership with God of all the earth.


God took over the project at completion and used the keys to shut Noah, all his family and living creatures in there. He also changed the appetite of every living creature to enable them eat straw and multiplied the food to last for the days they were in the ark. He then broke the fountains of the deep where the Holy Spirit had once hovered upon to establish and deposit the civilization of God that brought into existence The Light in the beginning. The resources of God in there were released upon the earth to fight the forces of darkness and the establishment of corruption and violence. The forces of heaven were also engaged in the down pouring of water through the windows and rain of heaven. These engagements led to the exaltation of the ark of Noah above all mountains and above all flesh, depicting the prophesy of Isaiah and Micah that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be seen above all other mountains and all nations will flow into it. Isaiah 2:2; Micah 4:1


Can God find dependable men as strategic partners on the earth today? Men who will have contact without contamination? Men who will not enthrone their network, networth and connections above the civilization of God? Men who will be moved by godly fear to keep all the commandments of God and make its enforcement their destiny. Can God truly find sheep that will go into the midst of wolves and not be lost? Can God depend on you that when He releases wealth and influence to us at the highest level we will still return to him? I find it instructive that the dove which was released by Noah to inspect the level of water on earth didn’t return to him after two trips. It had returned initially but it got to a level where the luring desires of the earth enticed it not to return to his master and took him away from him. Can God depend on you to return to Him after all is said and done on the earth? Will He be worried that the world will take you away from him?